Friday, October 16, 2009

The first snow is falling

Last night I went to bed with flakes falling, and this morning they were still falling. Not heavily, just a dusting, just enough to say that Samara has seen her first snow. The turkeys are huge, the ducks are ready for slaughter, and I still have yet to build the plucker.

Life on the farm when you have to work full time as well.

The goal, I suppose, is to get debt free and quit my day job. The goal seems far away. The first step is to write down the goals, place the steps in motion, and declare them. Stay tuned.

We have stopped fostering for the rescue we were with, there was too much drama. I don't need drama, I just wanted to help dogs. Life goes on, and the dogs will find another home, I suppose.

My next door neighbor has shot the fox, the wife called to let us know. Brandi's response was "oh, is he OK" and she reportedly replied "No, honey, he's dead." LOL - growing up in the country.

I am in the process of cooking down some pear butter, and the kids went wild for the carrot cake jam out of the Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving. I'm probably going to make seconds of that. I have half a bushel still to can up and they're getting soft.

Here are some pictures of Samara to share. She's a big girl now. Whenever we let Zen out with her happy mask on to spend time with the family, Samara gets all gooey, bowing and prancing and just making a fool of herself. Zen has yet to play with her in the house, but she's shown signs of thinking about it. She's a big girl, and just a joy to have, despite her constant chatting.